Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend Update A Little Late

Long time no update! I dread coming back to work after a long weekend. This week has been sooooooo looooooong! I am living on coffee and after work naps. Yes Phill & I do take naps about 3 nights a week. They are wonderful and I dread the day we have to give them up, that day called parenthood! Not that I'm not excited for parenthood but I love my naps for now and will continue until that day comes! Okay so on to Thanksgiving weekend and all of it's excitement!

We went home on Wednesday about midday thinking we could sneak out of the city before traffic. WRONG! Though Phill did learn his lesson and drive this time. Traffic was BAD so I slept through it and listened to Phill pipe up about every 10 minutes! We got home at a decent time and I went over to my sisters to bake pies with her and my friend Joy who is also my sister's sister-in-law. We made yummy apple pie and pumpkin pie. We had leftover pumpkin filling so we filled a pie pan with no crust and baked that. It was quite yummy but looked like baby food on our plates! For some reason this crapped my sister and I up and we stood in the kitchen scooping the baby food onto plates just busting a gut!

Thursday was Thanksgiving and it was YUMMY! Mashed potatoes and gravy, egg noodles, stuffing, corn, chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, my mouth is watering all over again. I can do without the turkey, I never eat that on Thanksgiving, but nonetheless it was there. Top the yummy meal off with diet coke and grenadine! IT WAS GOOD! This was all at my Aunt Oove's house in the afternoon. Next, Phill & I went to his mom and dad's for dinner. This included mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, corn, pea salad, oh and yes, the turkey. Love Thanksgiving, it's my excuse to be a pig! Finally, I ended up at the Kelly household-my sister-in-law's for game night. We played Would You Rather and had a lot of fun. Would You Rather asks you questions like...Would You Rather On a first date, wear a T-shirt that says, "I'm With Stupid"
a T-shirt that asks, "Who Cut the Cheese"?
It is very entertaining! I love games! I have a bunch but Phill doesn't enjoy them. When I come home I have to get my fill hehe Phill of them! My friends would always and still do play games when we get together so it's a tradition. The only time I can remember Phill really getting into games was with my friends a few years back. We were playing charades and it was boys against girls. We made up ridiculous things for the guys to act out and they were determined to win this game. Our tasks were a little bit easier to do and we were more experienced charades players anyways ;) Phill's turn was up and he went all out. By the time the games was over he had pit stains and was sweating profusely. My friends could not stop laughing at him!

So anyways Thanksgiving day was good but was not without it's problems. I have allergy asthma and am pretty much allergic to everything under the sun! Seriously, on our honeymoon we were right by the ocean in Jamaica and guess what, I was allergic to the ocean!! We went in to swim and came out to lay out on the beach chairs. I was itchy but didn't think anything of it. Phill looked over at me 5 minutes later and said "Honey, I think we need to go. You have hives all over!" I was covered in hives and looked very silly! We went straight to our hotel room where they were cleaning it so I had to wait 10 more minutes to get in the shower. Ugh! I am also super allergic to cats! My allergies haven't been with me all of my life. I started becoming allergic to everything at about 21 and it has progressively gotten worse. Along with allergies I have allergy asthma! When Phill & I first moved up here we brought along his childhood cat. For some reason I was fine with her, I would sneeze if I was around her like all day but it was no big deal. She passed aways a few years ago and a few months after that we picked up another kitten from Phill's aunt. We named her Ginger Anne Bloom and we love her. Unfortunately my nose does not. My allergy asthma took a turn for the worst when she moved in. I wanted so desperately to keep her and I suffered for a long time. Phill's mom had agreed to keep her for us so we could still see her when we came home. I would have her all ready to move to Iowa and then say NO she is not leaving and suffer for another week. Finally it got so bad that we did bring her to his moms. Problem now is his mom and dad had also brought home their own cat from her sister's house and Phill's sister did as well. So sometimes there are 3 cats at that house. His parents are truly wonderful though. Whenever I come over they clean the whole house, put the cats in the basement, and bring out the air purifier. They spent $200 on this air purifier last Christmas so I could be there with them! They are truly wonderful in-laws. So they did the same for Thanksgiving but for some reason my asthma flared up anyway. I only stayed for 2 hours and then had to leave b/c silly me didn't bring my emergency albuterol inhaler home! If I would have stayed to long it would have been bad. When I got to the Kelly's for game night I was breathing fine. About an hour in I was a mess again! They don't have any animals inside so I don't know what the deal was. They have cats living outside and in the garage so I have no idea what my deal was. I left there house wheezing and a mess. Phill stayed at my parents house that night and we were up almost all night! I couldn't breath and had no inhaler. I would doze off and wake up gasping for air. I called the ER asking if they could just give me an inhaler but that was a no go, the doctor would have to see me. Sorry not spending hundreds of dollars for a $6 inhaler. I made it through the night and took my Advair which is an everyday asthma controller and it kicked in within an hour. Scary night though.

Friday was Black Friday! My mom and I have went shopping together on this day for years! It is so fun! Weaving in and out of stores and all the craziness for some reason is fun for us. My sister has started going for the last 2 years and I secretly think she loves it too! I think I love it more for the time I have with my mom and sister rather than the bargains. We left our house at 4:30am and arrived at Wal-Mart around 5am. Wal-Mart was SCARY this year. Electronics was a zoo and pretty much a traffic jam at a stand still. Phill wanted a hard drive which I missed out on in the craziness. One guy in electronics yelled in the crowd, "Don't budge in line or it's going to get ugly!" Then some girl kept hitting my heels with her cart. I turned around and said "Excuse me!" She said "Well I need to get through" I said "Well so do I but nobody's moving so please stop!" JEEZ PEOPLE! Our next stop was Shopko who had the most efficient checkout lanes and was our fastest stop. They had a guy with a big balloon that marked the end of the line. You could see him from anywhere in the store. Good job Shopko!! Next was Target:( SLOWEST LINES EVER! We waited in line for 1 1/2 hours! Luckily Joy was working at Starbucks which had a line of it's own, but she was super friendly to all the customers and made me some YUMMY coffee. I only had Starbucks coffee about 3 times last weekend! Wow that's about $14 I spent on 3 cups of coffee! YIKES! Don't tell Phill b/c I have already had it 2 times this week! We then went out to eat breakfast at Hy-Vee and them my sister and I went on to shop at Kohl's and Target while my mom went home to rest. All in all it was a fun morning and I snagged the Sex & The City movie for $8 so I was happy. Also, my sister and I got bluetooth headsets for our cell phones and one for her hubby. We all had fun playing with those all weekend! "Are you talking on your tooth?" "Why yes I am" hehe There fun!

Saturday I went shopping AGAIN with my sister. Yes, we went to Maurices and no the bill wasn't pretty. We walked out of there spending $198 and $120 respectively. Enough said about that!

was traveling day. It was snowing in Iowa so we decided to leave early. We took off at about noon and headed home. We made a quick stop in Cedar Falls to see my friend Danielle and her hubby. I hadn't seen her since the wedding and really miss her lots. We then started out again with me driving! EEK! I made it to Charles City which is about 45 mins. south of Mason City when the roads starting getting bad. I slowed down and was doing fine. I jumped onto I-35 N. when things got ugly. Phill was lying down in the passenger seat but awake because he knew I was nervous. I was going to take the next exit for gas and to switch drivers so the calm one in this relationship could drive us the rest of the way home. NOT SO FAST! So there is this bridge right when you get on 35 that is slicker than snot. I made it over the bridge when the SUV in front of me brakes suddenly. I precede to tap on the brakes and my little Olds and I lost control. I fish tailed all over the road and spun around the opposite way in the ditch! SCARY! I started balling my eyes out. Phill calmed me and we called AAA to come get us out. It was about a 30 minute wait but our car is not damaged and we are both okay. Phill did hurt his neck pretty bad though since he was originally laying back but when I started fish tailing an then he leaned up and had is neck unsupported. We almost hit a pole though so we are lucky we missed that. Once we had come to a stop you could see the pole out the side mirrors just feet away. A cop did come check on us too and waited on the shoulder until the tow truck came. 50+ cars ended up in ditches and medians just in Mason City alone that night!

*Funny story while we were waiting for the tow truck. We were waiting for Frank's Auto Repair & Towing Service. So it had been about 15 minutes and I saw a vehicle start driving towards the shoulder. I said "Is that Frank" Phill says "No honey, that's not Frank!" as the car drives straight into the ditch, whips around, and comes to a stop a few feet away from us! The guy was okay and later on when I realized what I had said, I couldn't stop laughing! After being pulled out it was 30mph for the next 45 minutes until we hit the Minnesota border. Once into Minnesota the roads weren't so bad. So all in all a 5 1/2 hour trip turned into an 8 hour one but we made it home safe so that's all that matters. Thank you God for protecting us!

This week
has been pretty boring. I have all of a sudden become more of a klutz than usual. Yesterday I was wearing a white shirt and spilled coffee all over me in our staff meeting. Ugh! This morning I have spilled coffee on my shirt 4 times already! Luckily I'm not wearing white today. But the coffee tastes very yummy. If you like flavored creamers you should try Italian Sweet Cream, it is sooooo good! Thanks sister Sam for introducing me to it! I still haven't put my Christmas decorations up yet. I do have the actual tree up but it's naked for now. I also just got a new purse from This place is awesome! You don't have to pay for shipping and I ordered it on Tuesday and got it on Wednesday! I have ordered from them 3 times now and every item I have received the very next day! They are where my famous green Nina's from my wedding day came from! Here is the purse and the famous green nina's-pic. taken by Shaina Pearce Photography:

So this post was really really long. I guess that's what happens when I don't update for over a week. We'll talk soon!

1 comment: said...

Cute bag, and of course, still love the shoes! I might need to ask for a zappos. gift card in my stocking this year.....