Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday Silliness

I had a rough day yesterday. The day started out fine. I got up, made cinnamon rolls for the hubby and me, and got ready for church. Church was AMAZING! The songs were awesome, the sermon was great, I left feeling great! During worship time they did read Psalm 77 though and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I grabbed Phill, got goosebumps, and teary-eyed. Psalm 77 was the passage put on the back of the Team Shaelynn shirts and the passage my sister and her husband clung to during Shaelynn's battle with cancer. Yesterday was also the 2 month mark for how long my mother has been gone. I realized this at church as well. However, the music lifted me up and the sermon lifted me as well. After church we went about our day with a little shopping, a nap, and then making supper together. After supper I just got into a funk. I miss my mom and Shaelynn like crazy. I want them back and it hurts so bad. I can't count how many times I have about picked up the phone and dialed my mom to be slapped back into reality that she's not there. I loved our Sunday night talks about how our weekends were. I miss how she would call me when Phill was in school to make sure my doors were locked and I was safe inside until he got home. I just miss her!

Phill took me out for ice cream lastnight at about 9:30 to cheer me up. We went to Wendy's and I had a chocolate chip cookie dough Frosty. We then drove around for awhile and just talked. I don't know what came over me, must have been a sugar high or something, but I all of a sudden got very silly. We saw a plane earlier in the day and it looked like it was hanging in mid-air, not really moving. We saw a helicopter on our ice cream run and I was saying how fast it was going. He said "Actually airplanes travel faster than helicopters." I said "Well that airplane driver from earlier today sure didn't seem to be going very fast." Airplane driver? I couldn't' think of the word PILOT!! I then started trying to talk in a Texan accent, don't ask me why, to which Phill told me I could never be a spy! We watch Burn Notice together and the guy is a former spy. He's always talking in different accents on the job.

I asked Phill why he had given me a dirty look during church. He said "You burped." I said, "No, it was just the voice in my throat!" He now says when he toots "It's just the voice in my butt!" HAHA!

And we drove by Ladyslipper Park which I thought was HI-larious! Don't know why but it just seemed funny.

I also asked Phill why we couldn't live in Owasso Hills? Gated community right in our price range, NOT!! Phill then told me I needed to go home and go to bed, he feared Wendy's had slipped some drugs into my frosty!

Not Me! Monday, Stellan Style!

This week the Not Me! Monday blog carnival is being hosted in honor of Stellan, MckMama's 5 month old baby boy who has been in the hospital since last Sunday with heart complications. Go read other Stellan Style Not Me! Monday's here.

Last week I did not refresh my browser every 5 minutes to see if MckMama had updated about her precious son that I just adore. He is so cute with his dimples and sweet smile.

I did not join Twitter so that I could follow MckMama all day everyday.

I so did not get a text messaging plan for my cell phone so that I could get the Twitter messages sent to my phone. It's a 250 messages plan and I have not used about 60 already since last week!!

I do not constantly have Stellan and the whole MckFamily on my mind all the time. I do not show Phill EVERY picture of him and go on and on about how cute he is.

Please pray for this sweet family and this precious baby boy. They are starting a new course of treatment today and really need lifted up at this time.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well it was a looooong week filled with many things I so did not do!

Last night I did not have a 10 minute battle with Phill before bed on how to pronounce the word Spinach!!

This weekend it did not take me 5 hours to clean the apartment. It wasn't that dirty!! No way, I clean every week and my apartment is always sparkling!

This weekend Phill did not get scolded my an older lady at JoAnn Fabrics!! hehe I got in line to buy my beads and he went to look at pots to re-pot our tree. He then crawled underneath the rope to join me to check-out. As we were leaving this older lady said "I saw you cut in line young man!" He said "I was just trying to catch up with the wife. I didn't buy anything" She said "I was going to make you go to the back." I did not laugh my head off!!!

This weekend I did not spend more money at Circuity City. They are going out of business and so far I have not spent over $200 there.

Last week while disposing of my Valentine's lilies I did not ruin 3 out of the 4 of my wedding gift table mats. That orange stuff from the lilies stains!! I did not wash them and then put them in the dryer! I do not have 4 crumpled up new washclothes!

This weekend at the bowling tournament Phill & I bowled in, I did not throw the ball in the gutter. No way, I am a much better bowler than that. And, it did not take me the rest of that game to regain my composure. We DID place 9th out of 43 though!!

Last weekend while watching my nephew Killian I did not let him get out of control while attempting to take a shower. My sister said to just shut the door to his room and put the gate up to the bathroom and put him in his room. "It will be fine. We do it all the time, " she said. Well, the only problem was he knew he could test my boundaries, I'm not his mom! So I'm in the shower and I look out and he is not taking his dirty poopy diapers out of the pale and carrying them around!! I do not frantically yell "Killian no no! Acky!!" To which he precedes to not bring them over to me and hand them to me over the gate! We do not continue this game until they are all gone. Next, he does not get into the dresser drawers and start ripping out all of the clothes and flinging them over his shoulder!! No way, I can control a 1 year old! My sister does not walk in during the middole of all of this hearing "Killian no no! Aahhh! What am I gonna do with you!" She doesn't walk in just cackling!

That's it for me! Comment me back and let me know what you did not do this week.