Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I've decided to start blogging!

Hello blogger world! My name is Calie and I'm so excited to get to know you. After months of contemplating starting a blog, I now officially have a page! Don't know if I'll be any good at this but here goes nothing! For my first post I figured I would just put some facts up about me to help you get to know me better:

  • I am 25 years old and live in Minnesota with my husband Phillip. We were married October 11, 2008 but have been together for nearly 8 years!
  • We are both originally from southeast Iowa and miss our families and Iowa very much. We hope to someday move back there and start a family. We have been in Minnesota though for 4 years and do like living up here. We finally found a decent apartment-you know one where things get fixed, no noisy neighbors who think it's cool to run on a treadmill at all hours of the day and night in the apartment above you (seriously sounds like an elephant is coming through the ceiling), no neighbors who deal drugs, beat each other up, etc. It's nice!
  • I have 2 sisters, 1 brother, and 6 nieces and nephews (a set of twins even)! I love my family more than anything! Phill & I go home often to see them. Phill has 3 sisters (a set of twins) and 4 nephews, not nieces. He swears we will have all girls! He is the youngest child and boy does it show at times!! hehe
  • I am a chronic procrastinator. We've been married almost a month and I have yet to finish my thank-you cards. Okay, really I have barely even started! I've completely maybe a handful and that was from bridal shower gifts. I dread having to do thank-you's. I would pay someone to do them for me. Any takers?
  • Yes, I really have asked my blog name's question before! Multiple times as I have forgotten more than once. If you haven't guessed, I am blonde! My good cousin-in-law Luke had the joy of explaining the answer to me a couple of years ago!
  • I love nerds blizzards!!
  • I bowl on a bowling league on Tuesday nights with my hubby. This is my second year and I still suck! Phill's whole family bowls and they finally cracked me a couple of years ago. His nephew Dylan who is 10 can usually beat me in the game :( But, I do have a really pretty bowling bag that is purple and pretty purplish bowling shoes. So, at least I suck in style!
Okay well enough about me today! Hope I didn't bore you too much. Thanks for reading my first blog!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

YAY! Another Blog to stalk!

Good job Calie.