Thursday, February 12, 2009


Yeah so I am not the best computer handler. I tend to pick my laptop up by the screen. It appears that I will no longer be doing that as soon I will no longer have a personal laptop for awhile. The screen is going in and out as I type this. My hubby came home tonight and said "Your broke your computer!" To which I replied "But I made you cupcakes and chicken lip dip." He then said "Well I guess it's time to get you a new computer." hehe Thank goodness for cupcakes or I would be in some serious hot water right now! Let's just hope the sugar high doesn't wear off before this thing gets replaced ;)

1 comment: said...

Oh my word - you crack me up! So glad the cupcakes and chicken lip dip worked! I hold my laptop with one hand and actually cracked the case on the side where my thumb presses down. (Dumb - it shouldn't crack) BUT Apple, being the fabulous company that they are, replaced it for free! Hope you get it back soon! So glad you blogged that story.